Yoga Teacher — Danny

danny teacher

Danny畢業於國立臺灣體育學院,在2003年取得體適能教練與瑜珈教師證即投入健身產業開始指導與教授瑜珈。2006年參加YogaWorks 瑜珈學校以結合Ashtanga與Iyengar的智慧為基礎的200小時師資培訓,開啟了全職瑜珈老師的旅程。後續也接受過解剖列車(Anatomy Trains)結構整合、ZOGA 筋膜瑜珈多面向運動的培訓課程。

Danny認為瑜珈的練習要可以體現在生活上,讓我們洞察身心的狀態,所以近年來持續向國際知名的瑜珈療癒大師Michael Lee、Neil Pearson 、國內知名的瑜珈療癒師Janus Tsai 等老師學習瑜珈療癒。以及參加香港的Janet Lau 以佛學與禪修為基礎的300小時師資培訓課程。希望以更貼近我們的生活方式來傳遞與教導瑜珈所能帶給我們的智慧。

Danny is an experienced taiquando player, a certified swimming coach, weight trainer, and lifeguard. After military service, he started practicing yoga and then became devoted to yoga teaching.

Danny is especially skilled in teaching basic and vinyasa flow classes. He pays attention to the students and teaches everyone with care. He is meticulous about alignment and always explains asana in detail. He learns from famous yoga masters such as Kim Haegele, Chris Arcucci, Matthew Sweeney, and David Swenson. He has been teaching yoga for eight years.

He is a Yoga Alliance certified teacher. Kim Haegele first inspired him, showing him the philosophy of yoga. He is experienced in different styles, such as Anusara and Ashtanga. As an expert on anatomy, exercise physiology, and sports biomechanics, he has a clear understanding of how to practice safely and efficiently.

Danny is open-minded about different yoga styles. He encourages students to practice with joy and to have fun. He believes that the challenges in yoga enrich our lives.

    * 美國瑜珈聯盟 Yoga Works 200小時認證瑜珈老師(E-RYT200)
    * 印度瑜珈聯盟 Vanakkam Yoga 200小時認證瑜珈老師(YAI-200)
    * 美國 Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy 瑜珈療癒師 Level 1 培訓
    * 美國Anatomy Trains 國際認證學程(ATSF)
    * 美國Anatomy Trains 系列 ZOGA Movement
    * 加拿大 Pain Carr U 疼痛照護瑜珈療癒師培訓
    * 峇里島 西藏頌缽療癒師
    * Anusara Yoga Immersion 100小時研習
    * Ashtanga Teacher Training
    * Iyengar Yoga Workshop(chair and props)
    * BarreAmped Level1 Training
    * Yoga Mindon 瑜珈療癒學院 肌筋膜三維系統評估處理技巧

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  1. Mira

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