Dr.N.Chandrasekaran M.B.B.S. 是國際上極富盛名的瑜珈療癒師之一。他同時也是一位西方醫學博士,國際級培訓師與作家。他在印度清奈 (Chennai) 的Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram ( 現代瑜珈之父-克里希那馬查 所創辦的瑜珈療法中心 – KYM ) 有超過10多年的瑜珈療法培訓授課經驗,於2010年他並創辦了Yoga Vaidya Śālā。在擔任瑜珈療法培訓師的這段期間,他教授超過15,000名學生,廣泛探討各種與身體病症有關的議題,並指導學生針對不同的個案進行深度的研究與探討。Dr.NC 博士已執業醫療近30年,並於1990年獲得碩士榮譽,1991年他開始擔任瑜珈療法培訓師,並於2001年開始擔任於KYM瑜珈療法中心的理事長。
Dr.NC 博士融合了其在醫學與瑜珈療法的豐富經驗,提出一套有效的教學體系,其融合了東方傳統智慧與西方的醫療科學,幫助人們療癒及改善各種病症。他以其深厚的經驗培訓出許多知名的瑜珈療癒師,致力於倡導推廣瑜珈療法的教學體系。Dr.NC 博士並撰寫了一系列與瑜珈療法相關的經典書籍。
2016/7/22 (Fri)
Yoga Therapy can be stated as an answer to three basic questions:
What effect ? Where the effect ? On whom the effect ?
Without comprehensive understanding of these three
Application would be waste of time
and leads to himsa, hence not Yoga.
The Individual is the ONLY focus in Yoga and Yoga Therapy.
And complete and comprehensive understanding of him is the prerequisite .
Human constitution is complex.
It is constituted by 5 different but inseparably inter-woven components.
Every individual is unique, one of a kind
with Individualised Distinct Constitutional Peculiarities. ( IDCP )
Observation is the only way
– to study,verify and to confirm IDCP in every individual .
– to analyse the effect of IDCP on other parts of the constitution.
– to infer the possible future complications due to IDCP.
– to select the proper techniques to bring out the desired therapeutic effect.
– to modify appropriately to suit the individual and the requirement.
– to apply the techniques in a progressive way.
Observation is a practical Science, and hence has to be learnt through practical way.
Principles of Observation will be discussed in the morning sessions.
In the afternoon there are 2 work shop sessions, where the participants are guided into the science of Observation and discussion about the methodology.
“Yoga therapy and observation skill"
Morning (3hours)
– The need for observation in yoga therapy… 1hour
– Principles of observation… 1hour
– Application of observatory findings in YT… 1hour
Lunch Break
Afternoon (3hours)
– Work shop 1 + discussion … 1.5 hours
– Work shop 2+ discussion … 1.5 hours
2016/ 7/23(Sat ) & 7/24 (Sun)
Breath is the most important tool in Yoga ,
because it is the only way to reach mind.
But, the breath is not as powerful and smart as our mind.
So, this tool has to be potentiated multi fold to effectively deal with our mind.
The Yogic method to achieve this, is the practice of Prānāyāma and Bandhā-s.
Yoga Sutra talks comprehensively about Prānāyāma,
but has not even mentioned about Bandhā-s.
Bandhā-s are but the extensions of Prānāyāma.
Bandhā-s are completely practical, and are advanced techniques.
Therefore, must necessarily be learnt and practiced under a competent teacher.
So, this job was entrusted with the Masters.
Prānāyāma and Bandhā-s owe their therapeutic effects
On their effects on our subtle bodies ( śūksma śarīra ).
Our subtle bodies consists of ‘ Agni-s, Prāna, Vāyu-s, Nādī -s, Cakra-s and more.
Every Yoga practitioner should have comprehensive understanding of the constitution of the subtle body and the methodology of yogic application on it.
Afternoon sessions focus on the therapeutic applications of Prānāyāma and Bandhā in a workshop manner
Morning (3hours)
– Principles of Prānāyāma and Bandhā …1hour
– Practices of Prānāyāma and Bandhā …1hour
– Constitution of subtle body…1hour
Lunch Break
1 st day (3hours)
Workshop 1 + discussion … 1.5 hours ( how to work on Agni-s )
Workshop 2 + discussion … 1.5 hours ( how to work on Vayu-s )
2nd day (3hours)
Workshop 3+ discussion … 1.5 hours ( how to work on Nādī-s )
Workshop 4+ discussion … 1.5 hours ( how to work on Cakra-s)
上課地點:Yoga Journey 敦化館 台北市松山區敦化南路一段90號。
Yoga Journey 瑜珈旅程
復興館 02-6638-8889 台北市大安區復興南路一段222號3樓
敦化館 02-2711-8996 台北市松山區敦化南路一段90號