2021 Lady Niguma妮古瑪脈輪系列(Niguma Yoga)12小時研習
2019 Animal Flow Level1 美國動物流研習
2019 美國國際瑜珈聯盟200小時RYT師資認證
2019 BarreAmped Level1 Training with Karen Lim
2019 LesMills Barre 台灣第一批師資培訓
2017 療癒球一日研習課程 – 肌筋膜3維系統評估與處理技巧
2017 阿育吠陀足式按摩(Āyurvedic Walking Massage)實務操作課程
2015/2017 十日內觀
During the three-year period of the U-theatre, I started to explore and understand the body and mind, and stimulated some internal changes in my life. I came to the road of yoga by fate, and the experience I learned from it gradually fermented and helped me create balance. I hope to use this experience. Share it out, and hope that everyone can live a good life and shine in life! The world is harmonious and prosperous! Be patient with your own body, respect different uniqueness, understand limitations and create space, feel and experience with an open attitude in the process, and bless everyone to meet a better self in the journey of life.