我自小移民到南美洲,10年前回台灣後,因為這個轉變,讓我一度的找不到原本的自己,認識瑜珈前的我是任何事情都要第一的一直以來告訴自己沒有做不到的。在一個很奇妙的因緣下接觸瑜珈,初次體驗並不覺得動作有難度,於是開啟了我瑜珈學習之路。從懵懵懂懂開始,慢慢產生興趣,學習瑜珈的這段期間,帶給我無限快樂充滿能量與喜悅的生活,因緣際會下參加了師資培訓課程,課程中讓我體會到瑜伽不只是墊子的練習而更是充滿了生活的智慧,去發現問題,解決問題, 過程中我開始觀察自己,漸漸學著傾聽聲音學習如何放手、如何愛自己,瑜珈的練習,使我學會活在當下,接受自己的不完美的完美,現在的我希望每一天都能做到自己的百分百,因為如此才能有更進一步的學習與成長空間。
200 小時國際瑜珈聯盟 (YAI) 師資培訓
3天 Art of living 健康呼吸課程
50 小時國際空中瑜珈(OFSY AYTT, RYS)師資培訓
I emigrated to South America since I was a child. 10 years ago I returned to Taiwan, because of this change, I could not find myself for a while. Before knowing yoga, I always want to be the first of everything. I started yoga for a very strange cause. It was not difficult for the first experience so I started my yoga journey. During the learning, it brought me an infinitely happiness, full of energy and joy. I had the opportunity to participate in a professional course with this opportunity I realized that yoga is not just on the mat. Yoga is full of the wisdom of life, to discover and solve problems. In the process, I began to observe myself and gradually learned to listen to myself, to let it go, to love myself, to live in the present and accept myself as I am.
After finishing the teacher training, I began to share what I learned with everyone. In each teaching session with one main purpose {comfortable and painless}. Compared to teaching on the mat, I hope to bring yoga into a real life. Guide students to discover, give them space and time to find awareness and motivation, wisdom and true joy.
Yoga has opened another door for me. I am willing to share the beauty of yoga.
200 hours of teacher training from the International Yoga Alliance (YAI)
3 days of healthy breathing course Art of living
50 hours of International Aerial Yoga teacher training (OFSY AYTT, RYS)