Echo 旅居法國多年時,展開瑜珈教學經驗,她在泰國蘇美島取得 Paul Dallaghan老師的Ashtanga & pranayama師資認證後,於台灣各大知名瑜珈會館授課,近年來持續追隨 Maty Ezraty, Desiree Rumbaugh, Leslie Howard, Clara Roberts-Oss, Krishna Das, Ramanan, Richard Freeman& Mary Taylor, Chuck Miller, Doug Keller, Bernie Clark等大師各派系瑜伽練習,並把各派所長融入自己的練習與教學傳承。Echo的課堂,充滿對瑜珈的熱忱與求知的學習態度,她對於正位的講解詳細,鼓勵學生透過持續不斷地練習與行動力,培養紮實的根基。她的課堂充滿平靜安定的能量、慈愛、歡笑與關愛。她鼓勵學員有意識地呼吸,提升靈性修為,並注入覺知、正念和接納等思維,進一步將自己的心靈建基於仁愛、憐憫、感恩及謙卑之上。
Echo深刻體認「最好」及「最難」的瑜珈,是將墊上的體式練習,延伸至現實的生活態度裡。因深愛瑜珈,Echo每年到世界各地旅行和進修瑜伽。她在2012年參加葛印卡內觀 (Vipassana) 後,重新定位人生方向邁向健康的身心靈生活及終身的瑜珈修行。2018年更赴日本參加Krishna Das梵唱研習,朝向靈性修習,享受於探索瑜珈的各面向與完整性,結合身心靈、聲音(nada)以及冥想的練習。
Pelvic Floor Yoga Teacher Training/ Leslie Howard 2018
Kirtan Workshop / Krishna Das 2018
Mantra Sadhana / Durga Devi 2017-2018
Iyengar Workshop/ Ramanand Patel 2017
Chair Yoga Workshop/ Eyal Shifroni 2017
Dharma Yoga Wheel Teacher Training 2016
Ashtanga Workshop / Ricard Freeman & Mary Taylor 2016
Aerial Yoga Teacher Training / Ariel Chen 2015
Inversion Workshop / Briohny & Dice 2013
Anusara Workshop / Desiree Rumbaugh 2013
200- hour Ashtanga & Pranayama Teacher Training / Paul Dallaghan 2012
Therapy Fundamentals Teacher Training / Doug Keller 2012
Ashtanga immersion/ Maty Ezraty 2012
Echo Kang is a Yoga Alliance 500 RYT instructor certified by Paul Dallaghan at Samahita. She is deeply grateful to her daily practice, to her teachers, students and friends on this yogic path with her. Yoga has been so powerful in her own healing journey. In return, she hopes to continue to share her passion and knowledge of yoga with as many friends as possible.
After spending years diving into different lineages of yoga, in particular Ashtanga and Vinyasa Flow, Echo has integrated what she has learnt into the flow that she now practises and teaches. Her class is full of peace, love, smiling and caring. She encourages students to breathe consciously and summon spiritual potential that is simply awareness, mindfulness, acceptance, connection and surrendering oneself into love, compassion, gratitude, sincerity and humility.
Echo dedicated herself in sharing yoga at Pure Yoga Taipei for 4 years and now in Yoga Journey. She continually derives inspiration from ongoing studies of Nada Yoga and studying with Senior Teachers, including Krishna Das, Sri Tiwarijii, Paul Dallaghan, Arielle Nash , Maty Ezraty, Desiree Rumbaugh, Leslie Howard, Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor and Doug Keller.
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