Serving at counter in department store for couple years. Everyday is just work and home, not much entertainment. That time still haven’t find my passion in life. During that time my sister worked at fitness store and I get to work out there for free. I start to fall in love with yoga, practice everyday before and after work. Yoga, teaches me how to love and appreciate myself. Everyday find one thing to be thankful to myself.. When emotions came, stop on an uncomfortable asana, also learning having conversation with myself. Let all those experience pass through, and hoping through Yoga everyone can learn how to love themselves, knowing the relation between them and their bodies. Practice how to get along well with yourself. Let more people to know about yoga and experience the beauty of yoga.
- America Yoga Alliance RYS-200
- Aerial Yoga Level 1
- Hot Yoga 21 hours Training
- 30 hours of Structure Yin Yoga