我剛開始接觸瑜珈時,記得是氣功球的課程,幾位自由車的同好告訴我這是一堂可以拉筋的課很不錯,我一聽到拉筋連忙搖頭說不可能這會要了我的命!! 幾天過後好奇心驅使踏進教室,才發現自己關節的活動範圍是這麼的差,韌帶及肌肉的彈性張力是這麼的緊繃,著實讓我感到訝異!在這次的初體驗之後,我便逐步接受瑜珈、認識瑜珈,幾經一番苦練後,沒想到我連一字馬都能做到,真是太不可思議。
Can you believe it? I am a free cyclist and a spinning coach. After years of training and competition, my legs have become extremely muscular and strong.
My cyclist buddies introduced me to my first yoga class. They told me I could release tension in my muscles and stretch my body. When I heard the word “stretching,” I was terrified and told them it would kill me. However, after a few days, I stepped into the classroom out of pure curiosity, and realized how tight my body was. I had not expected it. After that first experience, I became more and more interested in yoga. After years of struggle and practice, I can even do a split. That is unbelievable.
My body used to be bulky and tight. Yoga makes it slender and more flexible. I am now a yoga teacher. I would love to share my own experience with my students.
- Yoga Fit 第一級 第二級 證照
- Nike 動能瑜珈合格教師
- Body Balance合格教師
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