Yogaraj started his yoga training at the age of 5 and received his first yoga award when he was just 14 years old.He has been recognised be several institutions including in June 2009 achieving the Guinness World Record for longest yoga marathon lasting 28 hours.
■ 公開特別課程
5/18(五) 19:00-20:30 免費並對外開放
Master Yogaraj將藉由此公開課程為大家帶來一段精彩的瑜珈表演與帶著大家練習asana,歡迎大家一起來共享他豐富的瑜珈經歷。由Dolly老師協助翻譯。
■ Workshop課程內容
5/19 (六) 13:00-16:00 Yin & Yang Yoga 陰陽瑜珈
Yin Yang
Exploring into Inversions, Hand stands & Back bends.
You will learn the Allignment , Adjustment & Perfection in Asana
5/20(日) 15:00-18:00 Partner Yoga 雙人瑜珈
Partner Yoga
From Traditional Partner yoga to Morden Acro Yoga.
You will learn to Help the partner safely and relax them .
Improves connection, cofident , balance, back bending and trust .
費用 : 單堂課1680元,兩天3360元。
早鳥享8折優惠 (5/10前報名) 單堂課 1344元,兩天 2688元。