Guest teacher

Laruga Glaser

Laruga Glaser

Laruga is dedicated to teaching the method of Ashtanga yoga to its fullest capacity, cultivating transparency to the tradition, and the deeply rich lineage the practice originates, otherwise known as parampara.



董振銘的教學融合了艾揚格的順位、流瑜珈的順暢感和如太極般的輕盈移動。擅長指導學生用溫柔的方法練習強力的 Ashtanga,反映了自由而隨性、輕盈而有力的個性。董振銘堅信美好的瑜珈練習一定要有愛,瑜珈練習就是怎麼愛自己、怎麼去愛人的練習。


Yogaraj C.P

Yogaraj is considered to be the “Teacher of Teachers” as many of his students is now working as yoga teachers in Hong Kong and other Asian cities. His positive attitude helps motivate students, build confidence and discover their inner potential.


Ganganath & Tara Leela

Ganganath & Tara Leela

During the past six years in India, Ganganath and Tara Leela have researched the lives of great Indian Saints and Siddhas. These rare individuals live on the cutting edge of human evolution.


Janet Lau

Janet Lau

A writer, a dynamic yoga teacher and a Zen Buddhist who loves life and is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others.


Ken Harakuma

在多年不斷地精進個人練習與教學下,Ken已培育了無數優秀的瑜珈老師,不僅為日本首位獲得 Ashtanga Yoga 教師認證資格的老師,爾後也成為日本頂尖的國寶級大師。



Vincent Lu

Vincent Lu

Yoga is Vincent’s passion and he believes it is critical to maintain balance in all aspects of life. His hope is to facilitate students to improve their life by make permanent changes in their body, mind and spirit.


