Yoga Teacher — William

Yoga Journey 瑜珈旅程 Yoga Teacher  william

我相信,瑜珈練習,根源於一個文化的深度內省,而我們是增添對他的註解。最初的相遇,是與 Ashtanga八肢瑜珈的接觸。那堂揮汗如雨的 Mysore 課,重複性序列動作帶來的動態冥想,交織著 Ujjayi 的深深呼吸。為其震懾的我,從此一發不可收拾栽入瑜珈世界中。

在碰到八肢練習時的瓶頸時,也曾深深懷疑自己是不是不適合練習瑜珈,卻在廣泛體驗及練習 Hatha、 Flow 、Yin 等派系,以及壁繩,皮拉提斯等等課程後,重新找到練習時的快樂。


The Yoga practice , in my opinion , is a way that explains the ancient Indian culture , and we just add our own explanation for it . I had attracted by Ashtanga practice since the very first time . In the following Mysore experience , the sweat , the Ujayi and the asanas draws me into this yoga world .

Years of practice of Ashtanga , there are timing that makes me want to quit , wondering if I fit for yoga . Yet in the exploring in different system of practices , as Hatha , Flow , Yin yoga , Rope yoga and Pilates yoga . The pure joy of exercise emerged again .

As in my yoga teaching , combined with modern theory , focus on muscle and fascia aspect of human body to share with students . Diversity of my personal background as a philosophy major and experienced in therapy (Philosophical Consultancy ) drives me to discover more and more to share .

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