Yoga teacher — Vivian


高中時期開始接觸瑜珈,透過練習漸漸療癒從小專業舞蹈訓練帶來的職業傷害,2013年完成200小時瑜珈師資。現在學習Ashtanga Yoga,穩定的每日晨間練習及多年不同派別的養分,開啟了不同的思維,深深的體悟瑜珈是實作的修行,生活中的一切都是我們的老師。藉由體位法讓我們了解自己正在呼吸,知道自己正在當下,開始意識到自己是誰……當我們開始了瑜珈練習就再也離不開瑜珈了,這也是瑜珈最迷人之處。


Tara Ann Lee:“Vivian guides you to love being in your body and inner world” ! Let Vivian bring you back to your Divine Self through YOGA!
Vivian was a dance instructor at Cloud Gate Dance Studio who teaches body development before she joined Yoga Journey. She started to practice yoga in high school to help her recover from the injuries. After years of practice, she completed 200-hour teacher training in 2013.
When she practiced in different factions and started Mysore, Ashtanga became an important part of her asana practice. Asana is the way to let us know how to breathe and feel the moment, according to this we will truly understand who we are. Everyone is in their own way of spiritual practice. Vivian continuous learning and practice to hope that through her teaching and sharing can, in turn, help people who are in need.

  • RYT200 hr
  • YAI空中瑜珈師資認證Level 1
  • Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor 27.5 hour Immersion
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